Sensei Iain
The main instructor - Iain began his Karate training in the early 80’s under Sensei Tommy Kwan 7th Dan. After having a break as a teenager, he began training with Sensei Gary Foxwell 7th Dan in the English Karate Academy.
He has gone on to produce many National , European and World Champions as well as being very successful on the competition circuit himself.

Sensei Dawn
Dawn began her karate training many years ago in Shotokan Karate before joining Rising Sun Karate under Sensei Iain. She
came to us as a 1st Dan, since then she has gained her 2nd and 3rd Dan Black Belt and Instructors Award. She also runs an after school class at RL Hughes Primary school in Ashton

James and Lauren are junior instructors asissting the main class Sensei. They can teach small groups or indivdual students and are a real hit with the children and are a vital part of the coaching team.
Sensei James
Sensei Lauren
Sensei James Grundy
Sensei James is currently working towards his full instructor certificate. He is also the main stat man and a coach at competitions. Assisting is the corners and helping the competitors know where they have to be. A very challenging role and is vital in ensuring the competitors are at their best.